Wednesday, November 21, 2012


So it's been over a year since I wrote here, and I meant to write this last night but the hubbs wanted to go to bed so it was ruled to be sleepy time. But hey, I'm writing it now and that's what counts, right? Let's see...

I had kid #2 LAST November, she turns one in a couple days. Ended up having a second c-section because I didn't like the odds for a VBAC for me. Had SPD while pregnant with her, really badly and while under an OBGYN who could care less about the human, was in it for the money... So it went un-treated the whole pregnancy and I still have not healed properly from it, starting to think I'll have screwy hips forever, but I still have another year before I can say "this is as good as it'll ever get". Was diagnosed with severe anxiety and manic depression a couple months back... I had two moods: meh and blinding, seething rage. Not the healthiest with small children. On medication for it now, doing pretty good. I have an interest in myself and my appearance, as well as the ability to care for my teething, constipated, potty training children calmly and with love and interest.

Drawback to kid #2 learning to walk: she can keep up with kid #1 better and I now get to go find out what they've gotten into...